General view
We are all familiar with the concept of loyalty program, and probably we all are members of at least of one or two of these programs. Designing and implementing a reliable and flexible IT solution, that handles such program, may result more complex that expected.
In the recent few months I had to coordinate a small team of developers in the design and development of such a solution for the company I work for .
The company that I work for operates in the media industry with and in focus on newspapers both classical and online.
The company that I work for operates in the media industry with and in focus on newspapers both classical and online.
From the start it was evident that the implementation of this project presented the following constrains :
- It needed to operate in well establish IT ecosystem
- It needed to be capable of adapting itself to the new marketing demands
- It needed to be able to communicate and exchange data with third party software
External API Service
This service provides access to data regarding the loyalty program and marketing promotion and other customer management operation. The API have been published as REST API , being REST a simpler meteorology of interaction with third parties software.
WEB Server
The solution provides the user with a website where to check is loyalty program status and interact with the marketing department The instance of the WEB server was generated from the Jolie Leonardo WEB Server template and evolved to fit with the project requirementsIntegration with third part Web CMS
One of the project requirement was the integration with the the Applix Polopoly WEB CMS , the customer web portal had to be embedded in standard web article of our on-line newspaperThe solution adopted was to spiting the technology stack in two all the presentational files (HTML and CSS ) were deployed on Polopoly and the JavaScript provided by the Jolie WEB Server.
It was also necessary modify the HTTP message response header to handle access control issues adding in the HTTP port configuration parameters as shown in following code
Protocol: http{
.osc.OperationName.response.headers.("Access-Control-Allow-Origin") -> SiteOrigin;
.osc.OperationName.response.headers.("Access-Control-Allow-Headers") = "Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Authorization, X-Requested-With";
.osc.OperationName.response.headers.("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials") = "true"
SiteOrigin is variable that should be set to the location of the caller
Integration with an Authentication Service Provider
In order to provide a secure and reliable process of authentication Auth0 has been identified as our authentication provider. Auth0 provides social and Gmail integration and several others interesting features.
Auth0 requires the client WEB Server to publish a REST callback operation to complete the login or registration process.
As in the case of the WEB CMS integration it was required to define specific HTTP message response hearder value to handle HTTP handle access control issues and cookie policies adding in the HTTP port configuration parameters as shown in following code
Protocol: http{
.osc.callback.response.headers.("Access-Control-Allow-Origin") -> Auth0Site;
The variable sid is passed via the response Header and it allows to set a value for the cookie that will be used by the WEB Server to provide user dependent data.
The cookies is recovered and piped in in the operation request value using the following code
Protocol: http{
.osc.OperationName.cookies.AuthCode = "sid"
.osc.OperationName.cookies.AuthCode = "sid"
This will free the frontend developer from having to pass as value the AuthCode in the calls. and also it allows the backend developer to manage at port level and operation level the use of cookie
Technology stack
The technology stack used in the web solution is the following- HTML5 /CSS
- jQuery
- Jolie (server side)
The interaction between the HTML page and the backend operation is achieved via AJAX call. The implementation of all the JQuery function and it the operations request response types is generated automatically by a tool
Handling the asynchronicity of the AJAX is achieved using a event driven model. the tools includes in the generated code an specific event for each operation.
function operationName(value) {
url: '/operationName',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
success: function(response) {
if (typeof(response.error) == 'undefined') {
responseObj = new OperationNameResponse()
var event = new CustomEvent('EventOperationNameResponse') = responseObj
} else {
var eventError = new CustomEvent('EventGeneralError') = response
error: function() {
var eventErrorHttp = new CustomEvent('EventGeneralHttpError')
data: JSON.stringify(value.toJson())
url: '/operationName',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
success: function(response) {
if (typeof(response.error) == 'undefined') {
responseObj = new OperationNameResponse()
var event = new CustomEvent('EventOperationNameResponse') = responseObj
} else {
var eventError = new CustomEvent('EventGeneralError') = response
error: function() {
var eventErrorHttp = new CustomEvent('EventGeneralHttpError')
data: JSON.stringify(value.toJson())
In this way the frontend programmer will be able to work with the the operation published by the WEB Server by calling operation or methods of classes in js
operationNameResponse =
/* insert your code here */
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('EventGeneralError', handler_EventGeneralError);
$(document).on('EventOperationNameResponse', handler_EventOperationNameResponse);
also it will be able to handle the data from the call in an event handler function
The use of this tool has allowed the team to increase the efficiency of the Web Application development achieving a good separation between the different roles in the developing team .
Business Logic Service
This service is the fulcrum of the solution it handles the following aspects
- Logic for the loyalty program
- Logic for the creation/update and recovery of customer data
- Logic for the creation/update and recovery of distribution data
Each of this aspects has generated a separated interface definition, to make make simple the separation of the implementation when required
The business logic service acts as an coordinator of internal and external data to achieve the desired business objective. The internal data are masked behind specific CRUD services to increase the decoupling between data and logic.
CRUD Services
The CRUD Services mask data from existent database. The choice of developing specific services to publish internal data has been driven by the desire to make such data available to other future application.
Third Party Connectors
Some of the data required by the application are provided by external service of the following list
All three implementations are center of the use of a HTTP Jolie output port, such a port acts as a HTTP client .
The process of implementing a integration to a Third Party REST Service requires the following steps
The process of implementing a integration to a Third Party REST Service requires the following steps
- Definition of the interface and its operation ( it can be also a subset of the provided operation)
- Definition of the request and response type
- Definition of the port parameters such as Method Aliases ecc ecc
Using this simple methodology it has been possible developing the connector that now can be used for any other application it may be needed for.
Google Geocoding API
It was necessary to implement a geo localization process to populate the distributor and shop data with the their latitude ad longitude coordinate In this way the marketing team will be able to add a new shop or distributor without worrying to provide the localization data.
These data will then available via web application to the customers searching for shop or distributor in his/her area.
In the WebServer section it was mentioned the Auth0 as authentication provider. It was also necessary to implement the integration serverside with some of the API provided by Auth0. This has made possible recovering user and token info.
It was also necessary to implement the integration with our instance of Prestashop, The business requirement was to provide to our customer a feedback on the use of their loyalty points via our e-commence allowing the customers to see customer on run-time the status of its discount voucher and the history of his/her purchases
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